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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Zoysia Grass

Zone 37015 | g.benner@yahoo.com added on January 24, 2018 | Answered

In warm weather, zoysia grass problems are fewer and the benefits are greater and this grass is worth looking at. But if you are in a cooler climate, planting a zoysia grass lawn is just asking for trouble.
What is considered warm weather. We live outside of Nashville, TN. Would you say this is a warm weather climate?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 25, 2018

You are close to my neck of the woods. Zoysia Does wonderfully in Tennessee. A good friend of mine uses this as his primary grass when he replaces lawns.

It is just cool enough here to help keep it from becoming overly invasive. In more southern climates, this grass is like the more evil equivalent to Bermuda grass here.

You will be fine planting zoysia here.

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