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Zoysia Grass

Q.zoysia empire contaminated with sir walter

Zone brisbane | derekharris21 added on March 14, 2015 | Answered

We live in a warm climate and love our Empire zoysia turf. Problem is, as delivered, it came contaminated with some Sir Walter. So we have patches of broad leaf Sir Walter in our yard and it seems to be more invasive and is taking over. Can you recommend a method to kill off the Walter? Spray or otherwise?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 14, 2015

Thanks for the response. Love the idea of using vinegar. We'll try a small test section to get the hang of it.

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Answered on March 14, 2015

The article below will give you many natural methods on how to kill the Sir Walter grass invading your lawn. I would try these natural methods first before resorting to chemical measures. If none of these natural methods work, you could try spraying small areas of the Sir Walter with glyphosate but you run the risk of harming your zoysia turf in the process.


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