Q.Zone 9 shade flowers to plant between Irises?
I have tried pansies, Squaw flowers, roses but they are too low to be seen. It’s very windy so tulips don’t work. I have a beautiful Iris garden but would like something NOT purple to plant and bloom when they do. It is shady. The soil is alkaline. I’m ready to just use a different color of iris but would really like something less expensive. Bleeding hearts are costly too. They are under two very tall evergreen trees. 2 stories high. I use them for a border around a circular lawn.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here's a link to an article that should help you:
My concern would be the new plants would add more shade to your irises which they don't need. They are a full sun plant but yours must be getting some dappled shade under the trees. Plus, irises multiply and may get intertwined in the roots of your new plants.