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Japanese Ginger

Q.Zingiber Mioga, Not A “true” Ginger?

Zone 32905 | Anonymous added on July 26, 2023 | Answered

You have an article about Z. mioga (myoga), in which it states that Niigata is not a true ginger. This false. Just because you do not eat the rhizomes, as with Zingiber officinal does not mean it isn’t a true ginger. The woman who wrote the article needs to learn more about gingers, as well as botany. There is already too much misinformation out about gingers, without more help. Zingiber mioga is a herbaceous plant, that goes dormant in the winter, as other Zingibers do, not all gingers go dormant, though.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 27, 2023

You are correct and I have forwarded your email to our editor. Thank you for letting us know!

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