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Container Yucca Plants

Q.Yucca plant – indoors

Zone Maidstone UK | Anonymous added on January 13, 2018 | Answered

My Yucca plant has been in the same pot about 2 years. It now appears “tight” in the pot.
It has brown tips to most leaves and some leaves are now turning yellow.
Is it time to repot or stop watering [ I am removing the leaves that are looking “tired” ] ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 14, 2018

If the plant appears visually too large for its pot, you are probably right that it needs to be repotted. Give it a larger pot, but not a huge amount larger- just the size that will make it appear balanced with the size of the pot. Of course, make sure the pot has adequate drainage holes in the bottom.

The brown leaf tips are most likely caused by watering problems (either too much or too little water, depending on the plant's other symptoms and on how much water you're giving it) or by the buildup of salts, toxins, or excessive fertilizer in the soil. Refreshing it with some new, well-draining soil when you repot should help. See these articles for more information:

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