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Yucca Plants


Zone Brandenburg, Meade County KY. Near the Ohio River but on higher ground. Meade Co. Adjacent to L'vill | Anonymous added on March 22, 2017 | Answered

I live on the Ohio River. When I moved here years ago, a cousin’s farm had a lot growing on it. Some of the family in the past had been West and I assumed they brought some back. I now live about four miles from them and have seen several plants. At age 81, I can’t remember exactly where I got mine and it has spread, just as you say with a few plants several feet away. Anyhow, mine bloomed well for several years, and then it quit a few years ago. I asked my county agent who was no help. I read someplace it took a while for a new plant to begin blooming, but once it started it would do so every year! Not mine! It has been several years now. Any advice?

Jon A. Whitfield

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Answered on March 23, 2017
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