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Q.young pineapple plants with brown spots on leaves

Zone 33467 | Mikado added on January 31, 2017 | Answered

I grew a pineapple top and it had 2 babies. They were doing fine and then started to get brown sections in the middle part of the leaf. It’s not really spots, it’s more like sections. It looks dry, but I’m in S. Florida, so it’s rarely not humid. I water sporadically and then there’s the rain. It gets full morning sun and due to climate change it’s a pretty strong sun at that. What does the brown mean? Don’t have pictures. Just went outside and they now have a soft brown on the edges and the parts in the middle just look dry. What does it sound like to you?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 2, 2017

This sounds like a fungus issue, likely caused by the humid and wet conditions. Avoid water splashing unto the plants themselves. Air circulation can help.

It may not be able to reverse these issues on your plants.

You could grow your plants indoors in a sunny location and have less risk of disease.
Here are some links with more information.

This list of possible diseases or issues is very long for Pineapple plants.

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