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Apricot Trees

Q.Young peach trees and one two year old apricot tree have looked very healthy until they just died.

Zone Brigham City, Utah | Peachval added on June 17, 2019 | Answered

Young peach trees, 2-5 years old, have died for no obvious reason. They have produced good fruit and then just died, at different times of the season. Recently I noticed slimy gunk at the base of two trees that died. It is very gooey but crusty on the outside, dark rust colored. What could this be?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2019

This sounds an awful lot like Peach Short Life Disease. It will destroy a tree down to the root level. This is from an extension service that offers more information on the subject: https://sites.aces.edu/group/commhort/blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=4206d93f-559b-47b1-a67e-efe319997b4a&ID=103&Web=a01cb228-31e0-4468-8e80-f44a93c1d947

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