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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Young Mango Tree Pruning (see pics)

Zone Miami, FL | mikepac added on March 12, 2018 | Answered

Hi! Excellent info on here (I’ve already watched several videos / read several articles on Mango tree 🙂 I thought someone who knows far more than I would enjoy sharing some knowledge since I’m attaching two specific pictures – I’m trying to determine if I should begin “tipping” this tree (see pics) or if it’s too young to yet chop off anything. Any advice based on these pictures? Thanks! -Mike

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 13, 2018

If this is a dwarf variety, then go ahead. If this is a standard, then I would not do this. It will make it bushy, but branching it this low will make for a difficult tree to maintain. If this is where you want the branching to start, then you can prune, but next year you will want to take off almost all of the lower growth so that it does not become a tangled mess.

I would, personally, still wait one more season at least.

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