Q.Yes I Have Plants And Better Boy Tomatoes In My Garden. And My Grandkids Had A School Project -The Brazen Sunflowers – While Playing
at two of them next to the garden where the tomatoes are; and the tomatoes are better boys and I’m wondering one of them is wilting it’s not the one beside it but it’s the one on the other side and it just started wilting about 2 days ago and I’m wondering if that’s why my tomato plant is wilting it’s just that one and like I said they’re better boys and I’ve heard some tomatoes t here last year and they did all they did good so if y’all could help me out on that I’d sure appreciate it and I hope I don’t h ave to cut my grandkids some flowers down we’ll try to put some pictures on here so y’all can see it thank you As you can see in the pics I hope you can see it the one next to it the couple of next to it does sunflower and they’re not wilting I sure need help figuring out what it is I hope it’s not that fungus thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Generally, tomatoes partner well with sunflowers. I don't suspect that the sunflower has anything to do with the wilting.
I do suspect one of two things:
Underground pests, such as moles, voles, groundhogs, or any other burrowing rodent will destroy roots. This will cause wilting.
Infection. Clay soils can be bad for harboring infections, since it is not well draining.
Here are some articles that will give you suggestions on things that will need to be done to prevent issues in the future: