Q.Yellow Tomato and Pepper Seedlings
My tomato and pepper seedlings have yellow leaves and stunted growth. The leaves first turned yellow in the center and now spread to lower leaves. I thought I was over watering, but have let them dry out and they are getting worse. I also tried liquid fertilizer, no help. This is the first time I’ve ever had a problem with seedlings. I fear that I am losing the plants. I used “Seed Starting Jiffy Mix” potting mix for the first time. Could this be the problem? The plants are over a month old and only about 3-4 inches tall. Please help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They need fertilizer. Seed starting soil has no fertilizer, to avoid burning new roots, but once they get to be a few weeks old, they need nutrients and will yellow and die without them. That being said, when you do feed them, use a 1/2 strength water soluble fertilizer on them.