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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 48315 | jamnotjelly added on July 27, 2017 | Answered

My Norfolk pine is approximately 7 years old. just recently a few of the tips are turning yellow.
what could this be?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2017

They are fairly easy to care for, but once the leaves begin to yellow, the lower branches will eventually die and drop off.
Insufficient moisture in the air causes the needles of the Norfolk Pine to turn yellow and then brown before eventually falling off. Mist your pine with cool water daily to raise the humidity level.
The plant should be watered frequently during the summer months to keep the soil slightly damp. Be careful to not over-water, as this may also cause the leaves to turn yellow.
They prefer an eastern or western exposure with one to two hours of sunshine daily. Place your plant near a window for best results. They can also survive in household light if they receive at least 16 hours of light a day. Turn the plant frequently to keep it symmetrical.

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