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St. Augustine Grass

Q.Yellow St Augustine Grass In Dallas TX

Zone McKinney, Texas | sdreon@att.net added on May 21, 2020 | Answered

The grass is well established and has never done this before. I put down weed and feed in April then added Milorganite in May. Did I over fertilize?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 25, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. If your soil test revealed deficiencies, and you followed all packaging instructions than it is not likely overfeeding.

As it starts to warm up, Many tend to water their grass a little more than necessary in attempt to offset heat. This can lead to rot. The particular pest shows itself, quite suddenly, when warm temperatures come around.

Here are some articles that will explain what it is and what to do:



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