Q.Yellow spots on indoor pseudorhipsalis ramulosa ‘Red Coral’.
Are these normal? I bought the cuttings about 5 weeks ago they’re planted in a mixture of Perlite and potting mix. They get 10-12 hours of extra light a day and are now rooted. I water about once a week and mist them occasionally. you can only see the yellow spots if you hold them up to the light. (I live in Sweden.)
Thank you
regards Rhonda

No, they're not in intense light they're just under a lamp during the day with some other plants.The bulb isn't too bright. https://www.ljusochmiljo.se/product/gu10-cob-led-mr16-5w

The spots could be related to the intense light exposure. See the section "How To Grow and Care" in this article: