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Eggplant Plants

Q.yellow leaves with holes on eggplants

Zone ironton, ohio 45638 | loverofallplants added on June 25, 2016 | Answered

I have three eggplants that are about 14 inches high give or take. They were healthy when planted (starter plants). Now all leaves are yellowish with very tiny, and I do mean tiny, holes in them. Is this a virus? I’m new at gardening, my first time. Can I save these? Help I love eggplant? I need a list. Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2016

I'm sorry your eggplant isn't doing well! The yellow leaves could mean your soil may be lacking nitrogen, or the plants aren't receiving regular water. The holes are an indication of pests that are feasting on your plants. This article may help you positively identify which pests are using your eggplants as their buffet, and describes how to get rid of them:


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