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Ginkgo Tree

Q.Yellow Ginkgo Leaves

Zone 6b | Anonymous added on September 10, 2021 | Answered

I have a Gingko tree but no yellow leaves. I am wondering if it is because it is a different type of tree or am I doing something wrong. I have included a photo of two leaves that I got this morning from my tree. does the brown edge on one of the leaves mean the leaf is dead or is it a good sign? Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 22, 2021

If it's containerized it should be watered twice a day so the soil doesn't dry out. If it's in the ground, you may need to check the roots for damage to see if something is preventing it from taking up water. A more serious problem could be bacterial leaf scorch.Take a look at these articles for tips and info:


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