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Maple Trees

Q.Yellow/brown leaves on young maple tree

Zone 07928 | jalhd1i added on June 6, 2018 | Answered

Just planted a small “Coral Bark” Japanese maple. New fresh leaves appear yellow brown. I’ve read that this could be either leaf scorch or overwatering. But how do I tell which? I have attached pictures. Plant is in full sun, but I believe Coral Bark is one of the varieties that can tolerate sun. I have also stopped watering, though we have had a few days of summer rain. Should I dig up and move plant? How do I know if it is too much sun or too much water?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 8, 2018

You should plant this tree in a light shade location. Full sun would likely burn the leaves.
Daily watering should be done in the first 2 weeks, they slightly less.


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