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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Wrongly used Insecticides for non edible produce garden

Zone 4575 | nazmi.gabriel@gmail.com added on January 20, 2018 | Answered

Dear Sir/Madam

By mistake, I used 10 days ago, the attached Insecticide for Caterpillar on my edible produce products like Rockets, spinach, kale, okra and other green leaf vegetables

The insecticide contains Active constitutent of : 100G/L Carbaryl ( An Antichollinesterase compound )
Can I still eat my produce, or after how many days I can !!!!
I regularly, twice a day, hose the vegetables heavily to wash them, will they be ok to eat now

Thanks for your reply

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A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 21, 2018

The label clearly states not to use on food producing crops. You should not consume your vegetables after application of this product.

You can compost the plants.

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