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Q.Would your site be practical for HOT, dry area with water restrictions? So many plants cannot survive here.

Zone Bakersfield, CA 93313 | Tatanka added on May 14, 2019 | Answered

I long for direction on best, mixed-variety of annuals for large pots outside by entry way and patio, and great perennials as edging along walks. Best shrubs facing 10 hours hot direct sun, that do not grow super large, along an Eastern fence.
I also have a back lawn with large areas that do not grow healthy grass, but auto-sprinkler system waters them equally.
Lots of questions of this sort. I’m 82 retired minister, U.S. Army Vet, husband for 60 years, great grandfather. Very lonesome. Need true friends. Wishing a gardening blog or whatever might provide that human beauty as well as the beauty of plants.
Do not know how to download any photos of our flowers.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2019

Southern Cal. native plants are ones best adapted to your conditions. Here are some articles with tips and suggestions for your area. https://www.cnps.org/gardening/patio-and-container-gardens-5423
Gardening is a great way to meet people. There are garden clubs, volunteering at botanical gardens. Try contacting your county's extension service. They will be aware of what is available locally and have excellent advice for what works well in your town. Here is their website: http://cekern.ucanr.edu
To participate online, search for garden forums.

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