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Snow On The Mountain Plants

Q.Would clipping off the leaves from Snow on Mountain prevent photosynthesis?

Zone 48081 | calockg added on August 28, 2018 | Answered

Have a bed with mature Hydrangeas, Hollies, Red Twig Dogwood, etc. Other than DIG,
Dig, and more DiGGING for the rest of my life, would diligently clipping the leaves off
eventually eradicate this aggressive invasive?Thanks! Cindy

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 28, 2018

Snow on the mountain, Euphorbia marginata, is one of those plants that was highly touted as a groundcover at one time. Now, most gardeners find it a curse especially when it is in a bed with other plants. In general, plants expend a lot of energy getting through the winter. Putting out the spring's first leaves nearly depletes stored energy. This is the optimal time to start a weekly cutting/weed-whacking program. It may take more than one year to eradicate it but regrowth will slowly decrease during this time. Combine this with sheets of heavy cardboard to deny sunlight, and resulting photosynthesis, where this is practical. Good luck!

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