Q.Worm Compost in Upside Down Tomato and Cucumber Buckets
I have a very large red wiggler worm compost container and can add this to my soil and perlite mix for the tomato and cucumber upside down, 5-gallon buckets I plan to plant. Is there a specific quantity of these three components that is recommended for the veggies? Should I also add any sand to the mix? Lastly, can orange pepper plants be grown upside down as well?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Amounts vary for compost use, and it is possible to use too much. However, an application of about two to three inches of worm castings to your soil as a top dressing should be ok.
This article should be helpful with your upside down gardening: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/vegetables-grown-upside-down.htm