Q.Wood Pigeons Ravage My Plum Tree Buds In Spring
I\’ve tried barriers – nets, roosting spikes etc. – I\’ve tried bird-scaring deterrents – ribbons, CDs, scarecrow, flying hawks etc. – and nothing keeps the birds out of the tree for more than a day or two. The tree is too big now for nets, and our plum fruit buds and young leaves are decimated every year by these pests. Question: Could I spray the tree\’s bursting buds with the powder extract of \”Bitter Aloe\” (Aloe ferox) as a \”taste deterrent\”? Or would this potentially damage the young leaves/fruit buds even more than the pigeons? I\’m running out of ideas!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They will get past anything it seems! I would, certainly, opt to try it! Historically, Aloe vera juice has been used as a bird deterrent from grapes. I would suspect that its cousin would work in a similar manner. Otherwise, you can try using predator urine in the area when the tree is in fruit. It is not guaranteed to work, but it may add another layer of protection.