Q.Wood ash on my flowers…….
I was told to put wood ash around my azaleas and rhododendrons to make them bloom better next year. Actually, they were just beautiful this year. I heard this and was very excited because I had some fireplace ash to use. I just did this today. I was reading this evening about it and now I see that it IS NOT AT ALL WHAT YOU DO!! It will probably kill them….I put 1/2 cup around each plant and it has just finished raining really hard, wood ash is all absorbed into ground. Please help me as to what I can now do to save my beautiful plants. Thanks, Lisa

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You are right. Wood ash is not the best thing to use around acid loving plants because it raises the pH level. The article below also says when used it should be composted first.
Now that you know not to continue I think your plants will be alright. You only used it one time. The rain may have washed most of it away anyway.
Check out this article for more information: