Q.Wisteria Breaks Trellis
My wisteria toppled over. How far should I cut it back ? It’s growing by a 3 foot fence what can I build for support ? Any ideas ?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would opt for a sturdy metal trellis, arbor, or you can make one out of lattice that is cemented in the ground with 4X4 wood posts. It needs a strong support and regular pruning or it will take over.
A less expensive option is training it in a tree form. All you need is a metal post.
These articles should help you understand how to deal with your wisteria. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/wisteria/pruning-wisteria.htm
If you have the aggressive European wisteria you might want to swap it out with the less aggressive native wisteria: