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Hyacinth Plant


Anonymous added on May 21, 2014 | Answered

My wonderful wisteria of 17 years has been miserable this year and only half of it is in bloom at the moment. I assumed it was the late frost which had an impact on it. Today, making the best of the weather, I notice that the bark at the base was upright! I discovered an ants’ nest with larva, etc. I quickly used my rose spray for bugs. Now, what can I do to save this wonderful plant? Please help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 21, 2014

If you are seeing ants, it is likely the plant is suffering from aphids. Ants don't normally bother plants unless there are aphids on the plant (aphids are like cows for ants - they maintain 'herds' to get food from them). Aphids are hard to see and easy to miss and they would explain the decline in the pllant. Treat the entire plant with a pesticide. Neem oil is a good one because it is organic and is systemic. If you spray as best you can, the plant will absorb it and this then protects the whole plant, even if you are not able to get to every part of the plant.

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