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Wisteria Vines


Zone Foxboro MA 02035 | catsrobe added on August 21, 2016 | Answered

Two questions:

(1) Why doesn’t my wisteria plant produce large blossoms?
(2) I discovered that a trumpet vine had invaded one of my wisterias. In my haste to remove it, I accidentally cut one of the mature stalks of my wisteria. Will the branch be able to grow more shoots?

Because I cut the branch, I, of course, had to remove all of the plant above the cut. I read the article on this site how to root cuttings of wisteria. That gave me some comfort. Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait years for the cuttings to mature. I was devastated! The portion I had to remove was climbing beautifully and was thick and gorgeous. It took the plant several years to get to this point. The rest of the plant that was left looks lonely, bare and pathetic.

Because I was so rough with another plant, a portion of that is dying. That plant, however, is very large and healthy. But, I’m still heartbroken.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2016

To answer your other question, the small blooms are probably simply a characteristic of the wisteria variety you have. In some plants, stress or excessive nitrogen fertilizer can cause flowers to be abnormally small, but I'm not sure whether wisteria is one of them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2016

It is sad that you lost a big chunk of your wisteria, but it will grow back! Yes, you can wait for it to grow back and you can also root some cuttings in the meantime. It is helpful to prune wisteria from time to time, so this might be good for the plant in the long run. See these articles for advice:



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