Q.Winterize strawberry stack-a-pot tower
My question is about preparing my stack pots for winter so the strawberries in them do not die. I know they don’t have much protection as they would in the soil. I don’t have a place to move the towers to, so they have to remain outside. I thought about it and so far I came up with:
1. covering them in blankets
2. covering them in tarp or bubble wrap
3. first plastic, then blanket
4. first blanket, then plastic
Which option do you think would work better? Also, before covering them, what should the soil moisture level, average or mostly on the dry side? Should I water it during the winter?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Actually, if you can bury them and then mulch, this would help (if the pots are plastic). The bubble wrap may also help with the pots placed near the house for additional warmth. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/strawberry/winterizing-potted-strawberries.htm