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Q.Wintering begonias

Zone Sandpoint Idaho 83864 | devon added on October 14, 2016 | Answered

I have some begonias which are flowering prolifically and I am leaving North Idaho for the winter. We are leaving our plants inside near a window at around 50 degrees, using 2 radiator type heaters. Should I just let the begonias be and have a friend water once a week? I hate to cut them back, as they are so beautiful. In the photo, the red and yellow flowers are the begonias. In the back is a hanging Dahlia. I am also wondering what to do with my Dahlias. Can I just put them inside and hope for the best? The sun room in the photo is not heated, so they won’t be in there.

Thanks, Devon.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 14, 2016

Most types of begonias will probably do fine with this plan. But since you won't be there to enjoy them, an easier option for both your begonias and dahlias is to let them go dormant for the winter. If you know the type of begonia you have, look up its winter dormancy preferences.

To let them go dormant, you can either dig up the tubers/rhizomes after the foliage has faded and store them in a dark, dry location, or bring the pot indoors and place it in a dark, dry, cool but not freezing location. Stop watering them to allow dormancy.

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