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Four O’clock Flowers

Q.Wintering 4 o’clock tubers

Zone 10550 | DGarbato50 added on October 23, 2019 | Answered

I live in NY where winters are too cold for 4 o’clock tubers to survive. But I grew 4 o’clocks in pots this past summer. So if I let the plants die out, let the soil in the pots dry and keep these filled pots w the tubers indoors over the winter, will the plants regenerate when I put the pots outdoors in spring?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 24, 2019

I believe they would. And you could just keep the pots in a frost free area like the garage and let them go dormant. Give them a little water once a month. Or you can dig the tubers and save them overwinter. Here is an article that tells how.


Also, if you collect the round, black seeds and save them, those will grow quickly next spring. You probably will see some seedlings come up in the ground around the pots as well. They are notorious self seeders.

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