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Euonymus Plants


Zone waynesville, nc | mwfjnw added on December 2, 2017 | Answered

My yard man mistakenly cut my wintercreeper which was covering a steep bare bank. I cried! I’d had it for 40 years. Will it come back? The roots are still there.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 3, 2017

You have nothing to worry about except finding a new yard man. Euonymus fortunei is considered an invasive groundcover. If you ever try to get rid of it, you'll discover the extensive root system. Put down a 2 inch layer of mulch to hold the soil in place over the winter. There is no need to remove it in spring. It will compost in place and will not hinder the regrowth of the wintercreeper.

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