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Wandering Jew Plants

Q.Winter Time Care for Wandering Jew Plants

Zone northern NJ | redheadhp added on January 4, 2012 | Answered

I have several varieties of wandering jew in a pot which I purchased this summer. I have trimmed about 1/2 of the length off. Would trimming the plants back significantly to where the vines would be about 6″ long help rejuvenate them? The leaves have fallen off the root part of the stems but they are still growing well at the ends. I really don’t want to have to replant them. I keep them outside during the summer.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 7, 2012

Most plants, even houseplant, go into a dormant state during the winter. This means that their growth slows and they can lose leaves. Severe pruning, with this particular plant, does help rejuvenate it and improve its appearance in the spring when it begins active growth.

You will also see that the plant needs less water and less fertilizer during its dormant season.

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