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Blanket Flowers

Q.Winter Pruning

Zone 11554 | Anonymous added on January 15, 2018 | Answered

I have a couple of Arizona Sun Blankets that were not cutback before the start of winter. I am fairly new to gardening so I wasn’t sure if it was a plant I should prune. I figured if it was my landscaper would do it. Anyway he didn’t and it looks ugly. Is it okay to cutback now in winter, or should I do it in May?

Thanks in advance!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 15, 2018

Depending on where you live, Gaillardia dies back to the ground during winter. Cutting it down when is dormant is a matter of personal esthetics. Some like the look of new snow catching on the stems and old flowers. Gaillardia is a short-lived perennial so it is a good idea to let it go to seed at the end of the season. It is fine to cut it down if it is no longer green.

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