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Hyacinth Plant

Q.winter pot plants for the cemetery

Anonymous added on December 7, 2014 | Answered

Would you please let me know what the best winter potted plants are to place at the graveside as Christmas?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 9, 2014

Well, first this would depend on where you're located, and how cold the winters get. If you're in the south, and close enough to the cemetery to be able to water the plants every few days, you can use anything that's in flower at this time - poinsettia, cyclamen, whatever's in the stores. Or you could use whatever potted plants look attractive to you - small evergreens, clipped holly (that one comes with red berries), even rosemary that has been trimmed into a Christmas shape. If you're in the north, you can still use small potted evergreens, or holly, or any plant in the nursery store that looks attractive to you. If you're only going to leave the plant there for the holidays, you won't need to worry about winter freeze protection. If you're hoping to keep it alive and use it after the season, this article will help you with ideas for freeze protection: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/containers/overwintering-container-plants.htm

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