Q.Winter Cassia damaged by hurricanes
The recent hurricanes in Jacksonville, FL, knocked over two Winter Cassia trees/shrubs. I propped them back up each time and the trees are thriving. However, I was unable to get them fully upright and when I removed the supports after two months they lean back over at about a 55 degree (vs 90 degree) angle.
I would like to cut them back down to the ground this coming spring if they will grow back from the roots. Will this work?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You might try just cutting down to a couple of feet until you get new side shoots that can take over. At least then you can be sure the the tree will have some way to regenerate. Here is an article for the best way to prune the trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/cassia/cassia-tree-pruning.htm