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Black Eyed Susans

Q.Winter care pruning

Zone Rancon France | Barby added on November 9, 2017 | Answered

We have perennial vine black eyed Susies and need to know how hard to prune for winter, we have had a frost and the plants have wilted, do we leave it as is or prune them back to the base?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 9, 2017

do you have a vine black eyed Susan the vine ones are annuals.
perennial Black-Eyed Susan is hardy, especially if you give it a light mulch of dried leaves—mimicking the way leaves would catch in the flower stalks if the plant grew wild. Annual Black-Eyed Susan self-seeds, so new plants will appear in the spring. Keep the surrounding ground bare, so seeds have a place to rest through the winter and sprout in the spring.

If you cut back stalks of perennial Black-Eyed Susan, wait until late fall when the plant is completely dormant. Leave three or four inches of the stem above the basal leaves to avoid injuring the plant. Cover the plant well with a mulch of dried leaves, especially in the first year after planting or dividing.

If you cut back stalks of annual Black-eyed Susan, it will not be able to self-seed. Lay the stems with the seed heads on a paper plate and let them dry. Shaking or rubbing the dry seed head will release the seeds onto the paper plate. You can store them through the winter in a labeled envelope or plastic bag and plant in the spring.

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