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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Wilty, thin green onions

Zone V6K1S6 | calthom added on April 2, 2016 | Answered

I put 4 small green onion plants into a pot in September and they sat outside all winter (I live in Vancouver), and now the plants are quite long and wilty and I’m not sure if I need to trim them or move them into a different, bigger pot so each plant has more space, or what. I’m pretty clueless, it’s my first time gardening. Any advice? I’ve posted a photo.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 4, 2016

Scallions or green onions are generally sown or started in the Spring.
Harvesting generally occurs when they are about 6 inches tall.
If left in the ground to long the bulbs may rot.
I would do a test dig to check the condition of your bulbs.
I would assume they have been frozen most of the Winter. I'm not sure if they will be consumable.
Here are some articles that have more information.



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