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Clematis Plants

Q.Wilting clematis

Zone Southampton | Maggie.goswell@talktalk.net added on May 21, 2017 | Answered

I have a lovely clematis in a large pot out my back door it has improved and this year at its finest ,I feed well and only lightly prune it started to bloom and had lots of buds , then all of a sudden it has started to wilt , it has been like this since the last heavy period of rain can I get it to recover or will I loose it

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 23, 2017

Make sure the soil and pot are well draining. If the root sit in soggy soil, they can die from root rot.

Check the soil, is it wet?

Placing the pot on pot feet or even up a couple of bricks so that water can drain may help .

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