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Citronella Plants

Q.Wilting And Losing Color After Repotting Citronella Plant

Zone 10a | Anonymous added on April 10, 2022 | Answered

I recently repotted my citronella plant.. I used good soil and watered. I didn’t want to over water but it’s been 5 days and each day it looks worse. The soil is still damp and it’s in the same location it was before repotting. Any suggestions for saving? It was doing fine before this.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 11, 2022

Did you go up in pot size? You should only go up one or two sizes because any larger will cause excess soil to stay wet. Also are there several drainage holes?

If all that is OK, it is probably just transplant shock. If the soil is staying wet, I would consider replacing some of the soil with dry.

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