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Willow Trees

Q.Willow Tree

Zone 6 | williebobo47 added on October 5, 2012 | Answered

Is it true that if I grow a weeping willow tree in my yard that it would drain up all the water that’s supposed to go to my other trees and plants and kill them?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2012

Yes and no. Weeping willows are very water hungry trees and they will drink up large amounts of water from your soil. If you have a yard that is already pretty dry, it is possible that it would hog the remaining water it could reach.

But, if your yard is pretty swampy or wet, it would be difficult for one tree to drink up all the available water. Also, a willow tree can only reach out so far for water. It may take away water from a tree near it, say 20-30 feet, but would not be able to do so with a tree that was 200 feet away.

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