Q.Will This Jade Be Damaged If I Don’t Prune It?
I was heartened that you wrote that jades don’t have to be trimmed. I generally prefer the natural shape of plants and I particularly love what my jade has done, especially in comparison to videos of jades people have pruned. My concern is whether the heavy branches will break as some on line folk have suggested. It’s a year old and has quadrupled in size. Usually kept in a south facing window but spends fine summer days in the yard. What do you suggest?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It doesn't look in danger of breaking. It has a sturdy pot and the stems look firm. You may want to turn the pot 1/4 turn each week so all sides of the plant get sun. It is still young and pruning is more for older plants that are overgrown. If you are very worried you could take a couple of the tips off to lighten the load