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Q.Will These Cactus Seeds Ever Grow

Zone Mooresville nc | simonebrigham added on June 18, 2022 | Answered

I was buying seeds for my garden and seen the cactus seeds and thought it would be neat to try all the back of the packet said was don’t over water and they don’t need much sun I planted them like 3 weeks ago in cactus soil and haven’t watered with a spray bottle but once or twice since nothing happened yet I have read up on them now and seen where you should have the soil wet and a clear lid on them with plenty of warm sun like a windowsill is it too late for my seeds can I save them

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2022

Many cacti have seed dormancy requirements that must be overcome before they will germinate. You can help this along and make it faster, but this can take several years on its own.

This article will help:


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