Q.Will Rubber Plant roots hurt foundation
Will the roots from a Rubber Plant hurt the foundation of my home if planted too close? The Rubber Plant was originally a houseplant. Hubby, when it looked like it was not going to survive, put it outside. It took off like a weed. We found out recently that our neighbor has been fertilizing it without our knowledge. The person who cuts and edges our lawn said we should remove it because it will do harm. Is he right?
The potential for harm does exist. The roots of a rubber tree are said to be strong enough to damage building foundations or to lift pavement. You didn't mention how old/tall your tree was. If your tree isn't very tall right now, your risk is probably low and not cause for panic, but take heed - they can get up to 50-100 feet tall over time and it eventually might be something that needs addressing.
For more information on the care of outdoor rubber plant trees, please visit the following link: