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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Will Suckers On A Seed-grown Potted Passion Fruit Develop Into Real Passion Fruit Vines?

Zone 10001 | Cjj44 added on March 16, 2021 | Answered

I have a one and a half year old blue passion fruit grown from seed. It is indoors, and in a container. I recently noticed several new plants growing with it, and while I originally thought they were seeds that had laid dormant for a while, when I tried separating them they seem to be growing off the root system of the original plant. I’ve separated all but one, and they all seem to have survived although the one in the original part has grown twice as fast! If these are indeed suckers, will they grow into standard blue passion fruits? I need to know because I want to tell people the correct information when I give them away, Also, is there any reason to weed out the remaining one?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 16, 2021

I wouldn't call those suckers but new growth on the vine. Since you determined they were of the same plant (and not another type of seed), they should grow into passion fruit vines. I consider suckers those stems that grow below a graft.



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