Q.Will rose bushes grow in same bed as oleanders?
I have oleanders that are 10 ft. tall and wanted to plant rose bushes around the base of the tall hedge of oleanders. Will the oleanders poison and kill anything that is grown in the same flower bed?

There are three issues that raise concern. One is that oleander toxins that are found in its leaves and stems may poison rose roots if they are crushed or allowed to remain on the ground. Will the roses receive 6+ hours of direct sunlight daily while under the oleander? And finally, oleander has an extensive and superficial root system that will compete with your roses for moisture and nutrients. In that competition, I pick oleander to win over the rose. Of course, you could grow roses in containers and avoid two of these potential problems. I have seen short, squat ceramic containers that appear to have enough room for the roots of a small rose.