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Q.Will Reflective Objects, Such As Tinfoil, Scare My Birds?

Zone 28739 | Anonymous added on June 7, 2022 | Answered

The squirrels keep draining the birdseed from the the bird feeders. I read they don’t like shiny objects, so I’ve put a few pieces of tinfoil around the poles of the feeders. However, I’m wondering if this will also scare my birds. Am I defeating my purpose?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 13, 2022

Squirrels can be a challenge where birdseed is concerned. Did you try the foil around the pole? Did it help? I wouldn't think it would deter the birds, but you will be able to tell. Greasing the pole can help, too. Here are more ideas:


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