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Q.Will New Cuttings Of Plumeria Trees Bloom The First Year?

Zone Northridge, California 91324 | Anonymous added on March 8, 2023 | Answered

My 5 plumeria plants have been growing in pots for 2 or 3 years and last year they all bloomed some. I have 5 different colors (white, yellow, pink, red and purple) in 5 different pots. These plants have split into 2 or 3 growths per stem,… but growing TOO tall. Since I live in a retirement community with limited space on which to grow them, I would like to shorten 2 plants down to “reachable (or bush) level” for MY 5′ height. One of these plants is over 6′ tall (with 3 split branches) and the other plant is over 5′ tall (with 2 split branches). Is there any possible way to shorten the main stem of each plant and grow the 3 splits in one pot and the 2 splits in another pot? Could I keep the 2 main stems and plant them, too?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 10, 2023

While plumeria pruning is sometimes necessary, as in your case to shorten the height, pruning can cause a delay in flowers. Also, the cuttings probably won't bloom the first year. Here are tips for pruning plumeria:




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