In November two tiny, scrawny, bare Blue Moon species of Wisteria saplings were planted in my garden: 1 on an arbor and one on a pole. Sorry-looking little things, I didn’t expect them to survive. Furthermore I’d read that it takes Wisteria 3-5 years before it blooms, some even 10 years, some never blossom. I was astounded and elated when a mere 6 months later both blossomed with several gorgeous blooms! A week and a half later a vicious neighbor (the Wisteria didn’t overhang or encroach at all on their property; they vandalize all my holiday decorations, too, they’ve never returned my greetings and I have no relationship with them—I cannot understand their unjustified hostility) cut off all my gorgeous, purple blooms. Will they ever bloom again? I’m so sad.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, they will bloom again. Just care for them as usual. This article will help: