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Poppy Flowers

Q.will poppies take over garden

Zone 4 | Candance43 added on July 15, 2015 | Answered

Will my poppies eventually take over the grass in the garden? I have gorgeous poppies – lots of them, more every year. I also have lots of ugly grass growing between all the poppies. Eventually, the grass is taller and the poppies are dormant, and it all just looks bad. How can I get rid of the grass without hurting the poppies? We moved into this garden, it’s not one I planted, so I’m really not sure what to do other than to dig it all up and re-plant next year, but I really, really, don’t want to do that!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2015

Weeds among poppies can be an issue, especially in your case where it was not cared for.
Poppies will spread but in your zone 4 garden you will likely lose some each year also, so a takeover is not likely.
You can try planting other flowers among the poppies to help you fill in the garden after the poppies are done.
A ground cover that will help suppress weeds could be quite attractive.
Either way it's some work ahead for you.

Best of luck!


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