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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Will my lavender develop more stems

Zone DT1 1RS | Kategundry@hotmail.com added on June 28, 2018 | Answered

I had bought small lavenders in pots but didn’t get round to planting the out for poo long. Each plant had about 12 stems/stalks coming from it. About half or more of the stems died off when thyy were still in the little pots (because I didn’t look after them well). I’ve now planted them out and theyre alive and the remaining stems/stalks are glowing well. However….does this now mean that the whole plant will hvve to grow from these remaining stems? Or will in grow mrre from by the base/root? I imagine if the whole plant is to grow from just 5 stems instead of 12 that it won’t be very bushy.

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Answered on June 28, 2018

I grow lavender from seed and it starts out with 1 little stem. Yours will bush out if the are hard pruned annually. In areas with cold winters, this is done in early spring just as leaf buds begin to swell. In southern states, it is often done in the fall but spring is also OK. Always leave a few buds on each stem that you prune as lavender does not break new buds from old, leafless wood.

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