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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Will my Japanese Maple survive severe drying

Zone Zone 7, Placerville, CA | betsykerr added on July 6, 2015 | Answered

My 15 year old potted Maple is on my deck on the east side of the house under an oak tree. It gets very little afternoon sun. It recently didn’t survive two days of 100 degree heat and leaves have fallen off. I watered thoroughly as soon as I saw its plight, and several times since. Will the tree survive? Also, I read one time I should never fertilize it, but another site recommended azalea fertilizer. What is correct? I have allowed seasons of leaf drop to accumulate in the pot as ‘mulch.’ Is this OK or could it cause problems?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 7, 2015

Your tree most likely dropped it's leaves to try to reduce it's stress. Continue to care for it as you normally would.
I do not recommend any fertilizer now or even this fall. Your tree needs to heal itself.
In the spring after the first frost you can fertilize with a slow release balanced fertilizer, 13-13-13.
A 4 to 6 foot tree should receive 3 tablespoons of fertilizer.


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